Architetto-designer, Ph.D. Ricercatore e Docente presso il Corso di Laurea in Design, Dipartimento PAU, Università Mediterranea, Reggio Calabria. https://www.unirc.it/scheda_persona.php?id=1212
Membro del Comitato di direzione scientifica della rivista Narrare i gruppi
Dal 2019 al 25 ottobre 2022, Presidente dell’Istituto di Ricerca FRIDA (Florence Research Institute Design Art), Suzhou, Cina. Già docente al corso di Disegno Industriale e al Master di Interior Design presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze e LABA, Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze (AFAM). Visiting Lecturer, Suzhou Art And Design Institute e Jiangsu College of Engineering and Tecnology, Nantong University, Cina, partecipando a diversi convegni, seminari e workshop che riguardano il Product e l’Interior Design. Ambito di ricerca 08/C1: Ecological Product Design e Spatial Design. Autore di pubblicazioni sui rapporti tra prodotto, spazio fisico e società. Ha scritto 5 monografie, 2 curatele e più di 50 articoli scientifici su riviste nazionali e internazionali. Le sue opere partecipano a diverse mostre e selezioni editoriali: Refuse Arango Design Foundation a Miami, Il prodotto del design italiano a Singapore, Triennale di Milano, annuario del design edito da Jean Nouvel, Londra, …
(English) Mediterranean University, Reggio Calabria, Italia
Architect-designer, Ph.D., Researcher, and Lecturer at the Degree Course in Design, PAU Department, Mediterranean University, Reggio Calabria. (from 2019 to 25 October 2022) President of the FRIDA Research Institute (Florence Research Institute Design Art), Suzhou, China. A former lecturer in the Industrial Design course and in the Interior Design Master at the University of Florence and LABA, the Free Academy of Fine Arts in Florence (AFAM). Visiting Lecturer, Suzhou Art, And Design Institute and Jiangsu College of Engineering and Technology, Nantong University, China, participating in various conferences, seminars, and workshops concerning Product and Interior Design. Research area 08/C1: Ecological Product Design and Spatial Design. Author of publications on the relationship between the product, physical space, and society. He has written 5 monographs, 2 curatorships, and more than 50 scientific articles in national and international journals. His works participate in various exhibitions and editorial selections: Refuse Arango Design Foundation in Miami, The product of Italian design in Singapore, Triennale di Milano, and the design yearbook published by Jean Nouvel, London, …